Tag: Fouling
Microbial desalination demonstration plant launched for brackish water
MIDES consortium has inaugurated its first project demonstration site at the Aqualia Racons Brackish Water Desalination Plant in Denia, Spain.
MIT details process to use brine as a resource
Researchers at MIT have published details of a process to recycle brine for use in desalination plants instead of disposing of it.
Hitachi develops cost-reducing adsorption filter
Hitachi Metals has developed a ceramic adsorption filter (CAF) as a pre-treatment for seawater reverse osmosis (RO) systems.
IDE wins brackish water desal plant contract in Israel
IDE Technologies has won a project to build and operate a brackish water reverse osmosis (BWRO) plant in Emek Hamainot, Israel.
Penn State models membrane’s internal structure with microscopy
A team of researchers at Penn State university has used the latest in microscopy to model the internal structure of a desalination membrane, seeking to improve the technology.
IDE Technologies ‘breaks recovery limits’ for BWRO brine
IDE Technologies has introduced new system MAXH2O, which is designed to improve recovery rates in brackish water reverse osmosis (BWRO) brine.
LG Chem wins brackish water business in California, US
LG Chem has entered the brackish water reverse osmosis (RO) market, winning contracts to supply its NanoH20 membranes from utilities in California, US.
Video Q&A: Ronit Erlitzki, AdEdge Water Technologies
AdEdge Water Technologies’ director of business development Ronit Erlitzki, presents a new technology that uses flow reversal to minimise membrane fouling.
Video Q&A: Doug Eisberg, Avista Technologies
Avista Technologies’ director of business development Doug Eisberg, explains how new applications of membranes in water reuse systems are bringing fresh challenges.
AMTA unveils annual gongs for membrane experts
The American Membrane Technology Association (AMTA) has conferred its annual roster of awards for membrane specialists, include its Lifetime Service Award, Hall of Fame Awards, and Operator of the Year Award.