Tag: Drainage
Indian state gives green light to desalination duo
India’s Tamil Nadu state government has given the go-ahead for two 60 Ml/d output seawater reverse osmosis desalination plants at Kuthiraimozhi in Ramanathapuram and Alanthalai in the port city of Tuticorin. They will supply more than 1,100 rural areas where provision of safe drinking water has been a long-standing challenge.
Solar desalination plant to serve California’s Central Valley
Solar desalinatetion specialist, HydroRevolution, is raising funding to construct a solar-powered multi-effect distillation desalination plant in the Panoche Water and Drainage District in the Central Valley.
Mining water treatment market to grow 85% by 2019
The global water treatment market for hard-rock mining – iron, copper, gold, nickel – is set to grow 85% to US$ 17 billion by 2019 according to market analyst, Bluefield Research.
GE evaporators chosen for Alberta bitumen project
MEG Energy Corp has selected GE evaporation technology for reusing steam generator water for boiler feed in a bitumen extraction project in Alberta, Canada.
IDE sells two MVC evaporators to Alberta oil-sands site
IDE Technologies Ltd announced on 10 March 2014 that it had sold two IDE horizontal mechanical vapor compression (MVC) evaporators to increase the produced water treatment capacity of a steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) production site in Northern Alberta.
Papers invited for 3rd salinity forum in June 2014
Papers have been invited for the 3rd International Salinity Forum in Riverside, California, in June 2014.
IDE/Clean Harbours tie-up aims at oil sands clean-up
Desalination designer and constructor IDE Technologies Ltd and US waste and wastewater specialist Clean Harbors today announced a joint research and development (R&D) program to increase the availability and reliability of mechanical vapor compression (MVC) evaporators for treating oil sands produced water in Alberta, Canada.
South Africa to focus on desalination and water reuse
Desalination and the reuse of wastewater from municipalities and mining are strongly emphasised in the 2nd National Water Resources Strategy (NWRS2) for South Africa released at the start of July 2013.
GE wins oilsands evaporator contract in Alberta
GE’s water evaporation technology will treat de-oiled produced water, boiler and heat-recovery steam-generator blowdown and brackish makeup water for Sunshine Oilsands at its West Ells project in Ft McMurray, Alberta, Canada.
Aquatech sells produced-water evaporators in Alberta
Aquatech is to design, engineer, supply and supervise installation and commissioning of a produced-water evaporator system for Pengrowth Energy Corporation’s Lindbergh 12,500 bpd Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) enhanced oil-recovery facility.