Tag: Concentrate Disposal
New recovery technologies can minimize concentrate volumes
Several emerging technologies show potential to enhance recovery rates during desalination of brackish water. These processes include emerging approaches for concentrate treatment and new desalination technologies. Emerging concentrate treatment technologies that aim to enhance recovery and thus minimize concentrate include physical-chemical or biological treatment of concentrate followed by further reverse-osmosis (RO) treatment; new RO methods…
Desalination Concentrate Disposal: Salt Production For Zero-Discharge System
Since large-scale desalination started, the question of how to dispose of the reject material produced by the process has occupied the minds of engineers and economists. The quantity of brine discharged from desalination plants is increasing, and this trend will be maintained for the near future. The minerals extracted must have a value, but how…
Resort uses desalination in innovative reuse project
The Cache Creek state-of-the-art water reuse project in the USA is very interesting for its use of the Vibratory Shear Enhanced Process (VSEP) for brine volume reduction. However the use of Electrodialysis Reversal (EDR) desalination prior to this process is also of interest, and the project s award from the WateReuse Association (2009 Project of…
Southern California study identifies brine-concentrate issues
The Southern California Regional Brine-Concentrate Management Study is a collaboration between the US Bureau of Reclamation and 14 local and state agency partners, who together form the Brine Executive Management Team. The team identified the management of brine-concentrate from desalination and other water treatment processes as significant in addressing southern California’s water supply reliability. As…
MEDVSA: a methodology for design of brine discharges into seawater
Desalination is increasing fast in Spain, especially on the Mediterranean coast. The brine generated in the process is discharged into the sea, producing a negative impact on the endemic and stenohaline marine ecosystems, for instance, the Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa meadows. MEDVSA is an R&D project, subsidized by the Spanish Ministry of the Environment…
IDA picks São Paulo as 2017 World Congress venue
The International Desalination Association (IDA) has selected São Paulo, Brazil as the venue for its 2017 World Congress on Desalination and Water Reuse. The event will take place in the second half of 2017. Specific dates and details about the venue are being finalized.
STW Water bags Horizon, Texas US$ 2.2 million brine concentrator deal
STW Water has won the US$ 2.2 million contract to design, engineer and construct a reverse osmosis concentrator for the Municipal Utility District of Horizon City, Texas.
Nine desalination studies bag US$ 1.4 million funding
Nine research projects and pilot studies will share US$1.4 million in funding under a desalination and water purification research programme set up by the US Bureau of Reclamation.
WateReuse reports: minimizing concentrate and overtreating
The WateReuse Research Foundation has recently released two new reports:
Desalitech and Veolia tie up Mexican MoU
Desalitech Inc has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies to bring advanced cost‑effective high‑recovery water solutions to Mexico and additional countries worldwide.