On 8 December 2009, the US Water Environment Research Federation’s 5th Research Forum will go virtual, available on your PC or laptop. The event will cover the latest on wastewater, stormwater and water quality research, and is free to WERF subscribers.
Registration opened on 7 October 2009 for the forum, which will last from 12:30 to 5:30 pm Eastern Standard Time (US).
To help participants get the most of this half-day event, WERF is offering presentations on dual tracks – Operations & Technology and Water Quality – so they can move easily from one session to another. A session archive can be revisited for up to 30 days following the event.
WERF will end the meeting with a special subscriber-only session to explore needs for future research. By using real-time polling and an interactive Q&A, this “future needs” panel discussion offers an ideal format for prioritization of your most vexing research issues.
Visit www.werf.org/forum09 for details, including registration, full agenda, speaker bios, and sponsors.