Saudi Arabia’s Water and Electricity Company (WEC) has pre-qualified 15 companies for Shuqaiq 3 desalination plant project.
Qualified as lead and technical suppliers are Acwa Power, Acciona Agua, Cobra, Engie, FCC Aqualia, JGC, Marubeni Corp., Mitsubishi Corp., Suez, Sumitomo Corp., Valoriza, and Veolia; and qualified as technical suppliers, Bahr Rawafid, SNC Lavalin, and Marafiq.
The proposed 380,000 m3/d seawater reverse osmosis plant will be located in the city of Shuqaiq, on the Red Sea coast, 137 kilometres north of Jazan, and will be powered off the grid. The concession agreement is expected to cover 25 years.
Saudi Arabia’s WEC seeks developers on two mega projects (November 2017)