Tag: Intakes
Huntington Beach is ‘precedent-setting’ for California
When the California State Water Board adopted new regulations on seawater desalination plants in 2015, Poseidon, the developer of a proposed 50 million gallons a day (189,000 m3/d) capacity seawater RO plant in Huntington Beach, California, went back to the drawing board on its water intake technology.
Gold Coast’s twin intake/outfall tunnels save space and environment
A key part of the anti-drought strategy in Queensland, Australia, has been the construction of a 125,000 m³/d seawater reverse-osmosis desalination plant, located at Tugun on the Gold Coast, due to start producing water in November 2008. This plant will supply up to 20% of the average demand for the Brisbane/Gold Coast Region. The Gold…
Intake and pretreatment considerations for Coquina Coast
While the attention of US desalination watchers has been focused primarily on Carlsbad and Huntington Beach on America’s west coast, on the east coast, plans for a similar-sized seawater desalination plant have been moving forward with much less fuss. The Coquina Coast Seawater Desalination Alternative Water Supply Project proposes a 50-80 MGD (189,000 m /d…
Rejected slant well could work
A water intake system previously rejected for a proposed desalination plant at Huntington Beach could be viable if it is used differently, according to environmental organisation, Orange County Coastkeeper.
Monterey slant well test back in action
California American Water has resumed operation of its test slant well following a halt in the well’s operation pending a coastal commission ruling.
Oman seeks bids for desalination inlets consultation
Oman Power and Water Procurement (OPWP) company has invited bids from consultancies to investigate the best sea-water intake and outfall location for two independent desalination projects.
Poseidon plays down watchdog’s warning
The developer of a giant desalination project at Huntingdon Beach, California has played down a recent notice from the Coastal Commission telling the firm that its application for a development permit was incomplete.
Green groups pledge to drop Huntingdon appeal
Environmental groups have pledged to drop their appeal against the award of a permit for the proposed Huntington Beach desalination plant after California state water officials confirmed that the plant developer, Poseidon Water, will have to reapply for one of its permits if state regulatory amendments go into effect.
Specialists team up to exploit sub seabed intake market
Sub seabed desalination plant intake company, Intake Works, has formed a partnership with specialist boring firm, Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD), to market sub seabed intakes for seawater desalination projects.
Experts slam economics of seabed intake for giant US desalination project
A 250 Ml/d seawater desalination (SWRO) plant planned for Huntington Beach, California using sub seafloor intake pipes was “not economically viable at the Huntington Beach location within a reasonable time frame” according to a recent expert report. The findings could jeopardise the Huntingdon project because sub seafloor technology was pivotal to regulatory approval.