The WateReuse Research Foundation announced on 23 February 2011 two requests for proposals (RFPs) for research related to desalination and water reuse under the foundation’s Solicited Research Program and Feasibility Studies Program.
The RFPs are:
The Feasibility Study on Model Development to Estimate and Minimize the Greenhouse Gas Concentrations and Carbon Footprint of Water Reuse and Desalination Facilities - WateReuse-10-12
The objective of this study is to gather information that will help utilities estimate the carbon footprint of water reuse and desalination facilities. A carbon footprint is defined as the total set of greenhouse gases emissions, in carbon equivalents, caused by an organization, event, product or person.
Several studies based on very general assumptions about energy have demonstrated the use of reclaimed water may reduce greenhouse-gas emissions versus conventional water sources. Conversely, a frequent objection to desalination facilities is the carbon footprint is ‘too large’ because of the energy requirements from conventionally generated electricity.
These estimates may support the development of more accurate carbon-footprint models for water reclamation and desalination.
Proposals Due: 29 March 2011
Challenge Projects on Low Energy Treatment Schemes for Water Reuse, Phase 1 – WateReuse-10-06
The WateReuse Research Foundation is seeking proposals for funding conceptual studies of innovative new process schemes as alternatives to conventional aerated activated sludge that can reduce energy consumption, improve rates of pollutant removal or transformation, and reduce the footprint of water-reuse facilities.
The goal of the full effort is to conceptualize and evaluate alternatives to energy-intensive aerated activated-sludge systems for providing suitable water for one or more reuse applications, ranging from irrigation to cooling tower water to pretreatment for reverse osmosis or other reuse treatment processes.
This request for proposals is for the first phase of a two-part effort. Phase 1 will be a conceptual development of viable energy-reduction approaches. Phase 2 will be a refinement and confirmation of a concept through modeling, pilot or demonstration testing.
Proposals due: April 5, 2011