German membranes specialist WTA Vogtland has introduced a new submerged membrane module suitable for limited tank heights and sizes.
H2L, short for “Hybrid 2nd level”, is the second generation of a submerged membrane module for filtration applications in water and wastewater
A modular design, it is built from ultrafiltration single blocks that are available in varying sizes. The product comes in 64 standard sizes, ranging from 20 to 500 m2, and can also be adapted in size according to clients’ needs.
H2L combines the advantages of two existing submerged module concepts: the backwash-ability and high packing density of hollow fibre membranes; and the easy pre-treatment and good hydraulic behaviour of flat-sheet membranes. The multi-layer design of the membrane pockets ensures safe rejection of bacteria and solids, even if the membrane layer is damaged.
H2L’s modular design enables easy handling, and the system can be constructed, dismantled or serviced directly in the filtration tank without using lifting devices or cranes. Each ultrafiltration single block can be handled manually, saving time and money, and supporting low installation heights.