The WateReuse Research Foundation announced on 14 January 2014 the availability of US$ 400,000 in funding under its Solicited Research Program & Feasibility Studies Program for two direct potable reuse (DPR) research projects.
The projects are:
Evaluation of Source Water Control Options and the Impact of Selected Strategies on Direct Potable Reuse (WRRF-13-12)
This project is a desktop study that will inform regulators and designers of DPR processes on important considerations in the selection of source water control strategies for fulfillment of DPR performance requirements.
Its objectives are to:
· Evaluate upstream wastewater treatment impacts (eg, biological treatment through N/dN-nitrification/denitrification and other means, chemical treatment, industrial source control) on DPR source water quality and DPR process
· Evaluate impact of hydraulic control mechanisms (eg, flow equalization and source water storage buffers) on influent water quality and flow variations that “stress” the DPR process.
Proposals are due on 18 February 2014.
Operations plans are required for quality control of DPR systems and to protect public health. Therefore, operation procedures, maintenance schedules, and operator training and certification are examples of operation enhancements that help improve treatment reliability and consistency.
Its objectives are to:
· Develop a standard operations and maintenance plan for various DPR treatment processes, including appropriate portions of the upstream secondary wastewater treatment processes providing feedwater to the DPR processes.
· Develop a DPR training and certification framework for DPR system operators.
Proposals are due on 18 February 2014.