The WateReuse Research Foundation is holding a webcast on 9 January 2014 to provide guidance on the design of seawater desalination intakes to reduce harm to sealife.
Titled, The Seawater Desalination Intake Design Considerations to Meet Impingement and Entrainment Goals, the webcast will be presented by Timothy Hogan, a senior fisheries biologist at Alden Research Laboratory Inc. Hogan conducts biological evaluations of fish protection technologies in both laboratory and field settings.
The objective of this project is to provide guidance on the intake technologies and modifications that have potential for mitigating impingement mortality and entrainment (IM&E) of marine organisms at existing seawater intake structures. If existing intakes can be modified for desalination use, the seawater desalination industry can realize reduced capital costs associated with constructing new intakes.
The webcast will describe what needs to be considered when modifying an existing intake when the goal is to protect marine life from IM&E.