South Australia Water (SA Water) has kicked off a public consultation on an $80 million desalination plant project at Sleaford Bay on the Eyre Peninsula.
The plant was originally mooted a decade ago, and in July 2018 SA Water completed the purchase of 60 hectares of land at Sleaford Bay for the project. Construction is slated to begin in 2020.
The desalinated product water will be used to supplement groundwater from Uley South Basin, and is expected to help reduce the natural hardness of the water.
A desalination plant was identified in 2009 as the preferred option to supplement future supply, in a long-term plan developed with the local community and National Resources Management Board.
SA Water is committed to continue working with community groups throughout the planning and design of the new desalination plant.
Sleaford Bay was identified as the preferred location based on factors such as proximity to the water supply network, strong ocean currents, and site accessibility.
The proposed plant is to be set back from the bay by two kilometres and infall and outfall structures buried beneath the seabed.