The following reports have been recently published by the WateReuse Research Foundation:
Identifying Hormonally Active Compounds, Pharmaceuticals, and Personal Care Product Ingredients of Health Concern from Potential Presence in Water Intended for Indirect Potable Reuse (WRF-05-005)
This report shows that several methodologies can be applied to develop screening level guidance to protect public health. Each of the screening methodologies has advantages and disadvantages, which are discussed in detail in this report. Ultimately, the research team, in conjunction with an expert panel, devised a simple, conservative approach for the development of health risk-based guidelines for emerging contaminants to protect human health.
Low Cost Treatment Technologies for Small Scale Water Reclamation Plants (WRF-06-008)
This study identifies and evaluates established and innovative technologies that provide treatment of flows of less than one million gallons per day. The report includes an extensive cost database, where the cost and operation data from existing small-scale wastewater treatment and water reuse facilities have been gathered and synthesized.
Monitoring for Microconstituents in an Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility and Modeling Discharge of Reclaimed Water to Surface Canals for Indirect Potable Use (WRF-06-019)
To better understand the removal of microconstituents through Advanced Wastewater Treatment (AWT) facilities and the potential impact of microconstituents to aquatic organisms, an AWT pilot study was conducted in Florida. The toxicological and hormonal impacts to various organisms and cell cultures exposed to effluent from the various AWT processes were evaluated concurrent with chemical analysis. A secondary objective of this project was to examine the fate and transport of select microconstituents from a hypothetical canal discharge location in South Florida to a drinking water aquifer.
Oxidative Treatments of Organics in Membrane Concentrates (WRF-05- 010)
The use of membrane processes for wastewater treatment and reuse is rapidly expanding, especially the use of reverse osmosis (RO) membranes. The goal of this study was to develop an oxidation process for removing organics in membrane concentrates. While previous projects have focused on issues associated with inorganic salts, utilities have few resources to treat organics or microbiological organisms present in membrane concentrates.
Reaction Rates and Mechanisms of Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) for Water Reuse (WRF-04-017)
The main objective of this study was to develop a better understanding of the water-based free radical chemistry in the destruction of organic microconstituents. The long-term goal of research of this nature is to provide the data necessary to develop kinetic models that describe the underlying chemistry for advanced oxidation process applications.
For more info, visit the WRF website at: or email [email protected].