A tender has been issued for water treatment and desalination systems for Egypt’s Ain Sokha Power Project with a deadline of 17 August 2009.
The joint clients are Egyptian Electricity Holding Company and East Delta Electricity Production Company, and the consultant is Engineering Consultants Group of Cairo.
The 2 x 650 MW gas/oil-fired power plant will incorporate a direct (once through) cooling system using water abstracted from the Gulf of Suez at 40-52 m³/s. Of this, 0.07% (up to 3,145 m³/d) will be used, following pretreatment demineralization and desalination, to provide process water make-up in the boiler system. Potable water supplies will be drawn from the same existing supply system for the Suez Gulf BOOT power plant.
The project will be financed by the World Bank.