Aquaporin of Denmark is to acquire Golgi, a company established in 2016 that is able to produce aquaporin protein in large quantities.
Aquaporin protein is the main component in Aquaporin Inside forward osmosis membranes. “The supply of aquaporin protein is essential to the Aquaporin Inside membranes, and with the acquisition of Golgi, Aquaporin takes full control of this critical part of the supply chain,” the company stated.
Golgi was founded with investment from Aquaporin and Danica Pension, and has quickly established facilities for large scale production of the protein.
“We are in rapid commercial development — and with a constant eye to secure our business and capability to grow, we are pleased to take full control of aquaporin protein production,” said Aquaporin chief executive, Peter Holme Jensen.
Aquaporin begins forward osmosis pilot project in Singapore (July 2017)