Denis Vial has been appointed business development manager by German ultrafiltration (UF) membrane manufacturer inge GmbH, effective 1 March 2014.
For the last five years he has been working as an independent consultant, but prior to that he spent eight years as marketing and communications manager for Europe for Pall Corporation’s water treatment division. He has also worked in different subsidiaries of the Suez – Lyonnaise des Eaux Group in France and the United States.
Vial has a master’s degree in Industrial & Applied Microbiology. He brings 30 years of experience in the field of membrane filtration (microfiltration / UF, organic / ceramic) applied to municipal and industrial water treatment.
He is based in Perpignan, France and can be contacted at [email protected] or by phone: +33 (0)7 79 49 61 32.