More than 5,250 pressure vessels are to be supplied to the 100 million m³/year Ashdod desalination plant in Israel by BEL Group.
The build-own-transfer project, was awarded for a 25-year duration by Mekorot Development and Enterprise Ltd to IVM, a joint venture of Minrav Holdings Ltd and SADYT, a unit of Spain’s Sacyr Vallehermoso SA. The plant is scheduled to be in full production by December 2013.
For the first stage, each pressure vessel will have eight membranes working at a pressure of 1,200 psi (82 bar), while for the second stage seven membranes will be in each vessel with a working pressure of 450 psi (31 bar).
Skids configuration is a multiple-ports connection with a combination of 3-in and 2.5-in side ports.