Tag: Wastewater Treatment
AMTA and SEDA to hold Chesapeake membrane workshop
The American Membrane Technology Association (AMTA), which promotes membrane processes for desalination and water / wastewater treatment, is to hold a joint technology transfer workshop with the Southeast Desalting Association in Chesapeake, Virginia, in May 2013.
SWMOA announces dates for 2013-14
The Southwest Membrane Operator Association (SWMOA) has announced additional workshop dates for desalination and water / wastewater treatment membrane operators for 2013 and the date and venue for its 2014 annual symposium.
New AMTA/AWWA convention set for Las Vegas in 2014
The American Membrane Technology Association (AMTA) has announced that it has reached an interim agreement with the American Water Works Association (AWWA) to renew their combined desalination and water treatment membrane event for 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Papers invited for 2014 Singapore Week
A call for papers has been issued for the Water Convention during the Singapore International Water Week (SIWW) 2014, which will be held on 1-5 June 2014.
Aquatech to set up Pennsylvania oil & gas facility
Aquatech International Corp has been granted a permit to operate a central treatment facility for regional shale gas producers in Tioga County, Pennsylvania, USA, using its MoSuite™ set of technologies.
KMS appoints Iberian regional sales manager
Koch Membrane Systems (KMS), has appointed Matias Amor as regional sales manager, water and wastewater for Spain and Portugal.
Fox to lead Seven Seas business development
Ian Fox is leaving AES Corporation to become senior vice president, international business development for Florida-based Seven Seas Water Corp, desalination, water and wastewater treatment specialists.
Swiss water treatment to use PAC/UF combination
Wabag Water Technology has announced two water-treatment contracts in Switzerland based on ultrafiltration (UF) and worth around € 6 million which were won by the company at the end of 2012.
New website launched by Degrémont Industry
Industrial water-cycle specialist Degrémont Industry announced on 6 February 2013 that it is launching a new website.
NCED Australia opens operator training registration
The National Centre of Excellence in Desalination Australia has opened registration for its operator training in desalination and water treatment in 2013.