Tag: Slant Wells
California slant test gets US$ 1 million grant
Water utility, California American Water, has received a US$1 million grant from the state’s Department of Water Resources to help fund the company’s $4 million planned slant well test.
Cal Am applies for US$ 3 million desalination intake grant
California American Water (Cal Am) is seeking a US$ 1 million grant from the California Department of Water Resources to help fund the installation of a US$ 3 million slant test well, which is needed for its proposed Monterey desalination project.
Monterey boreholes reveal good slant-well conditions
California American Water (Cal Am) reported on 20 December 2013 that data from its ongoing investigation into subsurface slant well intakes for its proposed Monterey desalination plant were showing promising results.
Multilateral accord edges Monterey desalination forward
Fifteen parties with interests in the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project, which involves a seawater desalination plant, reached agreement with California American Water (Cal Am) on a number of issues in settlements filed with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) on 31 July 2013.
Design/build RFQ issued for Monterey desalination plant
A request for qualifications (RFQ) was issued on 1 April 2013 by California American Water (Cal Am) for the desalination infrastructure component of its Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project.
Monterey desalination plant moves forward
Desalinated water could come to the Monterey coast of California “as soon as 2012”, according to the Marina Coast Water District.
Orange County issues RFP for desalination pilot-plant operation
The Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) in California, USA, issued a request for proposals on 23 October 2009 for professional engineering services for the South Orange Coastal Ocean Desalination Project – Phase 3. Deadline is 19 November 2009.