Tag: Membrane Bioreactor (MBR)
American Water funded to investigate low DO in MBRs
The WateReuse Research Foundation has awarded a research grant to American Water to investigate the impacts of low dissolved oxygen (DO) conditions at a full-scale membrane bioreactor (MBR) water reuse plant.
Ovivo to supply largest US MBR to Canton, Ohio
The City of Canton, Ohio, is to use Ovivo membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology to upgrade its water reclamation facility from 39 MGD (147,600 m³/d) to 88 MGD (333,000 m³/d).
Multi-technology GE upgrade for Russian refinery treatment
Membrane bioreactor (MBR), electrodialysis reversal (EDR) and reverse osmosis (RO) technology will all feature in a major upgrade for the wastewater treatment at one of Russia’s biggest oil refineries.
Twin Victor Valley MBR plants get state funding
The twin membrane-bioreactor plants planned for the communities of Apple Valley and Hesperia on the edge of the Mojave desert east of Los Angeles, USA, have received US$ 1.5 million funding from the California Department of Water Resources.
New WRRF reports on MBR disinfection and ion-exchange
The WateReuse Research Foundation has published reports on: disinfection in satellite water-reuse facilities; and use of ion-exchange in desalination concentrate management.
NWMOA Annual Symposium brochure available
The Northwest Membrane Operator Association has published full details of its September 2013 Annual Symposium to be held in Vancouver, Washington, USA.
AMTA/NWMOA Utah workshop program published
The American Membrane Technology Association (AMTA) has published the program for its joint technology transfer workshop with the Northwest Membrane Operator Association (NWMOA) in December.
United Envirotech to acquire Singapore membrane-maker
Singapore’s United Envirotech Ltd (UEL) is to acquire its own membrane manufacturing capability by spending S$ 293.4 million (US$ 231 million) on a 100% stake in Memstar Pte Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Memstar Technology Ltd, also of Singapore, plus certain assets.
H2O Innovation unveils MF/UF rack and packaged MBR
Canada’s H2O Innovation Inc has introduced a module rack design for microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) membranes, which will accommodate modules made by other manufacturers.
AECOM to design Al Ansab Phase 2 MBR in Oman
Phase 2 of the Al Ansab Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) in Muscat, Oman, which will be based on membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology, will be designed by AECOM.