The City of Canton, Ohio, is to use Ovivo membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology to upgrade its water reclamation facility from 39 MGD (147,600 m³/d) to 88 MGD (333,000 m³/d).
Ovivo says this will be the largest MBR installation in the USA.
The final design includes an MBR installation utilizing space in the existing aeration tanks. All solids separation will be accomplished in the existing aeration tanks; therefore a final clarifier and tertiary filter expansion to increase peak hydraulic capacity is unnecessary. Biological nutrient removal (BNR) will be accomplished by reconfiguring the existing aeration tanks into industry-proven treatment zones within the existing aeration tanks.
Engineering studies have shown that the MBR system will also alleviate the need for the WRF’s existing disinfection system, providing financial incentives and eliminating safety concerns with this type of chemical treatment.
Although the peak hydraulic capacity is being designed for 88 MGD, Douglas Harris, Canton facilities engineer, says the facility can pump up to 108 MGD (409,000 m³/d) through the plant. Conversion of the existing primary and secondary clarifiers to equalization tanks will allow Canton to store peak flows over 88 MGD.
Harris told D&WR that the construction contract is anticipated to begin in February 2014 with commissioning of the first MBR train in early 2015. Completion of the entire project is scheduled to occur by 2017.
Ovivo says the total project costs are about US$ 90 million of which US$ 28 million are for the Ovivo MBR system.