Tag: Fiji
Masdar desal pilot: the results so far
Masdar Clean Energy set a target for its pilot projects of one cubic metre of water for every 3.6 kilowatt hours of energy used. This is a particularly challenging target in the Persian Gulf, where salinity is very high, the water temperature is high, it’s very shallow, and there’s high organic matter.
Japan funds desalination relief for South Pacific islands
The construction of a 30 m³/d desalination plant has relieved freshwater problems for around 200 inhabitants of Vanuavatu, one of the islands in the southern Lau Group in the South Pacific.
Japan funds desalination for four Fiji islands
The Water Authority of Fiji in the South Pacific announced on 29 May 2013 that four of Fiji’s outer islands will now be using desalination plants as an alternative water-supply source.
Australia and NZ ferry RO units to Tuvalu
Australia and New Zealand are leading an urgent response to the drought currently afflicting the South Pacific islands of Tuvalu and Tokelau by transporting reverse-osmosis (RO) units to provide a water supply.
Samoa first to draw from Japanese solar/desalination fund
Samoa on 17 June 2011 became the first country to access a Japanese fund set up for solar power generation and seawater desalination or a combination of both.