Tag: Construction Materials
Gaza desalination plant delayed by goods blockade
Construction of a desalination plant in Gaza City, Palestine, has stalled after Israel halted the passage of goods into the State, reports Relief Web.
Six submit tenders for Palestine desalination project
The Palestinian Water Authority has received six tenders, including designs, for a desalination plant in at Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip, reports Ma’an News Agency.
Can polymer replace titanium in thermal desalination?
Researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology & Advanced Materials in Bremen, Germany, have developed a heat-conducting polymer composite tube which they believe will soon be replacing titanium in thermal desalination plants.
Desalination plants part of Palestine agreement
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a statement on 4 February 2011 agreeing to improvements in water, sewerage and electricity in Palestinian areas, following a meeting with Tony Blair, representative of the “Quartet” (USA, the United Nations, Russia and the European Union).