Tag: Boron
Hydranautics wins Adelaide membrane contract
Desalination membranes for the Adelaide desalination plant, located at Port Stanvac in South Australia, are to be supplied by Nitto Denko/Denko for both the first and second phases.
Aqua commissioning desal/demin plant in Abu Dhabi
Aqua EPC LLC of Dubai, whose parent group Christ Water Technology is currently in the middle of a takeover, is currently installing and commissioning a 20,304 m³/d seawater desalination and demineralisation system for an industrial client in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Boron-nitride nanotubes speed desalination, says Australian research
Researchers from The Australian National University (ANU) claim to have discovered a way to speed the desalination of seawater by up to five times using nanotubes made from boron and nitrogen atoms.
Dublin desalination is one option of ten
Dublin City Council invited views on 21 November 2008 on 10 options for augmenting existing water sources for the Dublin region, including desalination of water from the Irish Sea.