Tag: Aquifer Recharge
SAWS board goes for expanded desalination project
The San Antonio Water System (SAWS) board in Texas, USA, decided on 10 February 2012 to go for expanded desalination rather than importing groundwater.
Biwater Florida RO project has manipulated ER unit
Acceptance testing has been successfully completed for a I.5 MGD (5,680 m³/d) reverse osmosis (RO) system being built by Biwater at the Springtree Water Treatment Plant in Sunrise, Florida, USA.
USGS package can model seawater aquifer intrusion
The US Geological Services (USGS) has developed an extension of its popular groundwater modeling program MODFLOW to predict the effect of human and environmental stresses on seawater intrusion into coastal aquifers.
Malcolm Pirnie division rebranded as Arcadis
Engineering firm Arcadis has rebranded its Malcolm Pirnie water division, which it acquired in 2009, as Arcadis.
WRA completes IPR risk assessment project
The project set up by the WateReuse Association to look at the risks involved in indirect potable water reuse (IPR) and storage has completed its third and final part and a report has now been published.
Large RO membranes at heart of Scottsdale expansion
The 7.1 MGD (26,900 m³/d) expansion of the City of Scottsdale’s Water Campus Advanced Water Treatment (AWT) plant in Arizona, USA, is now fully operational creating a total of 20 MGD (75,700 m³/d) of reused wastewater.
Groundwater‑use big contributor to sea-level rise
Unsustainable groundwater use contributed 48 mm to the amount the global sea-level rose between 1951 and 2000, according to Japanese research published recently on human contributions to sea-level change.
How pharmaceuticals accumulate in reuse recharge basins
Research in Arizona has thrown more light on what happens to pharmaceutically active compounds (PACs) in reused wastewater which is used for groundwater aquifer recharge via a recharge basin.
Water Institute of Texas formed to combine research
Desalination processes and plant improvements, aquifer storage and recovery, and wastewater treatment are among the topics to be studied by researchers at the newly formed Water Institute of Texas (WIT) in San Antonio, USA.
New research on aquifer recharge for water reuse
Two reports have recently been published about research on the use of aquifer recharge as a method of wastewater reuse.