The International Desalination Association (IDA) announced on 12 November 2009 that Imad Makhzoumi had been elected its new president for 2009-2011.
In addition, Khoo Teng Chye and Michel Canet were named first and second vice presidents respectively.
Makhzoumi is chief operating officer of Future Pipe Industries Group. During the past decade, he has participated in many international and regional committees responsible for the development for safe use of fiberglass non-corrosive pipe systems in high temperatures and pressures within desalination plants.
He has been an IDA member for more than 14 years and has served as a director for the last eight years. Makhzoumi’s educational background includes a Diploma from McGill University (Montreal, Canada), and a Bachelors degree in Civil Engineering & Water Resources Management from the University of Southern California (Los Angeles).
“My vision is to enhance the regional and international recognition of IDA’s important role in desalination technology and water reuse. I would like to use this term to continue to promote interaction, knowledge and the sharing of best practices between IDA members in order to further develop our industry,” he said.
Khoo Teng Chye has been chief executive and a board member of PUB, the Singapore utility, since December 2003, where he has led PUB to embark on major corporate changes and has promoted Singapore’s extensive water management programs and water-related educational initiatives. As an IDA Director during the 2007-2009 term, he served as chairman of IDA’s Foundation/Fellowship Committee and was a member of the Operations and Strategic Planning Committees.
Canet is executive vice-president of the Major Projects Group within Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies. He has been directly involved in the development of large desalination projects and water reuse projects in Australia, Middle East and Asia.
Canet served as first vice president for IDA from 2007-2009 and served on the Operations and Strategic Planning Committees.