RWL Water has won a contact to build what it claims will be Argentina’s largest seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination plant.
The 3 Ml/d plant will supply the18,000 inhabitants of the city,Puerto Deseado, Santa Cruz – about 1,800 km south of Buenos Aires.
Despite being a popular tourist destination with significant mining and oil reserves the region lacks a consistent and reliable potable water supply. Puerto Deseado receives drinking water for only two hours every other day – less than 2,000 l a week per family.
In April 2014, Argentina’s national authorities agreed to invest almost US$ 10 million for the construction of a seawater desalination plant and the necessary infrastructure. The tender resulted in the contract to RWL Water and its partner CPC to supply a SWRO plant with plans for potential future expansion.
The design includes ultrafiltration membranes as pre-treatment, ultraviolet disinfection, and reverse osmosis. An energy recovery system will reduce the energy consumed by more than 40% RWL claimed.