Oman Power and Water Procurement Co has received 13 statements of qualification for a proposed new 16,000 m3/d desalination plant project in Khasab, in the north.
The interested parties comprise seven consortia, led by Abengoa, ACWA Emirates, House of Trading and Services, Metito, Romman Premium Enterprise, SETE Energy, Seven Seas; and six companies, Al Fanar Energy, GS Inima, Osmoflo, Tedagua, Utico, and Veolia Middle East.
The call for qualifications for what will be the first privately delivered water project in Oman was announced last autumn, and closed on 11 December 2016.
Demand for drinking water in Oman’s northern region, which includes Muscat, the port and capital city, is expected to rise by 6 per cent a year in the three years to 2020.