The WateReuse Research Foundation’s board of directors approved on 2 December 2010 a new tailored collaboration (TC) study titled Regulated and Emerging Disinfection By-Products during the Production of High Quality Recycled Water.
The primary objective of this project is to investigate the regulated and emerging non-regulated DBPs that can be generated during the production of high quality recycled water (HQRW) at advanced water treatment plants (AWTPs) and their fate across different membranes.
Under the TC program, the foundation provides matching funding to subscriber organizations for research studies. The team members for this study are WaterSecure, the University of Queensland, the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, and Veolia Water.
Currently, there is no monitoring and only a limited knowledge and understanding of the occurrence and fate of DBPs in the HQRW production process. Extensive monitoring campaigns, performed routinely at the different AWTPs in Queensland, Australia, show that all the regulated compounds are properly managed through the treatment plant and treated to exceed drinking water standards.
The research team will evaluate HQRW production processes with regards to the control and fate of DBPs both regulated and emerging.