The WateReuse Foundation (WRF) made a new Request for Proposals (RFP) on 31 March 2010 for a research project to provide a Framework for Informed Planning Decisions Regarding Indirect Potable Reuse and Dual Pipe Systems (WRF-09-02).
This project seeks to investigate the value of water supply reliability for various key customer classes and develop a tool to help enable utilities to make an informed and sustainable decision regarding their investment into reuse options.
Specifically, this tool will address issues, advantages and obstacles in the implementation of an Indirect Potable Reuse (IPR) project, dual-pipe reuse system, with or without point-of-use treatment, or combinations of these. The idea is to enable utilities to plan projects objectively against triple-bottom-line objectives.
This will be accomplished by creating a planning framework, such as a decision-tree matrix, that considers all aspects – social and legal, economic, and environmental – of IPR and dual-pipe reclaimed water distribution systems that can include point-of-use treatment requirements.
Deadline for proposals: 12 May 2010. Visit the WRF site to view the RFP or email Caroline Sheron.