A workshop on alternative water resources, such as brackish-water desalination and wastewater reuse is being organised in Thessaloniki, Greece on 5 March 2009 by the Center for Research and Technology Hellas and the Berlin Centre of Competence for Water.
The workshop comes within the framework of the EU-funded MBR (Membrane Bioreactor) Technology Network is open to private and public organisations, local end-users and others interested in technologies and issues relating to water treatment and the reuse of municipal and industrial wastewater.
“There is urgent need to protect the diminishing clean water resources and to upgrade/develop alternative sources (through waste-water reuse, polluted and brackish water treatment, desalination etc)”, say the organisers. “Membrane MBR, tertiary filtration (ultrafiltration, microfiltration) and reverse osmosis are most appropriate to meet these targets in a cost-effective and environmentally friendly manner”.
The workshop’s objectives are:
Contact: Ms. Avgi Karastogiannidou, Secretariat Lab. of Natural Resources & Renewable Energies Utilization (NRRE) – CPERI/CERTH
Tel.: +30 2310 498 182
Fax: +30 2310 498 189
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.certh.gr/9F1EA4AE.el.aspx