The WateReuse Association (WRA) has published the program and essential details of its Direct Potable Reuse (DPR) Speciality Conference to be held in November 2013.
The conference, at the Marriott Hotel & Spa, Newport Beach, California, on 7‑8 November, will examine the regulatory issues, treatment strategies, operational issues, research initiatives, and public acceptance challenges associated with DPR.
Congresswoman Grace Napolitano, who has been heavily involved in water legislation in recent years, has been invited to make the keynote address, while Rich Nagel, general manager of West Basin Water District, will lay out The DPR Vision.
Conventional papers will be interspersed with a number of discussions on topics such as:
· Public acceptance
· Future water trends
· Public policy
· Next steps in DPR implementation.
The conference brochure can be downloaded from the WRA website.