US Bureau of Reclamation kicks off desal funding programme

The US federal agency the Bureau of Reclamation is offering funding for lab- and pilot-scale projects as part of its Desalination and Water Purification Research (DWPR) programme.

The funding for lab-scale projects, which are typically to determine viability of a new process, material, or process modification, is pegged a maximum of $150,000.

The sum for pilot-scale projects is up to $400,000 per proposal, comprising up to $200,000 in year one, and a further $200,000 for an optional second year to finalise testing, make justified modifications, and for evaluation.

Applications for funding are invited from private companies, universities, water utilities, and other research sponsors. The deadline for submissions is 13 December 2018, and projects must support DWPR’s goals to increase water supplies by reducing the cost, energy consumption, and environmental impacts of water treatment.

For more information, please visit, and search for funding opportunity BOR-DO-19-F001.