The WateReuse Research Foundation (WRRF) recently released new research reports on two projects which have respectively resulted in a database for biological detection methods and innovative processes to replace aerated activated sludge in water reuse schemes.
Examination of Microbiological Methods for Use with Reclaimed Waters (07-01)
Microbiological methods have not been validated for use in reclaimed water and their performance characteristics and variability are mostly unknown. This report describes the state of the science regarding the methods currently used to detect microorganisms in water, with a specific emphasis on reclaimed water matrix, and protocols to validate these methods using round-robin testing.
The report includes the most relevant findings from the literature review and a survey. It also highlights newer methods that have a potential for use in routine monitoring programs but are not fully developed for that application.
Also included is an MSAccess database developed as a decision-making tool to aid utilities in selecting the best method for detecting organisms. The user-friendly database was designed in a way that the numbers and weighting can be changed based on user preferences using the “Customize Score” button.
Challenge Projects on Low Energy Treatment Schemes for Water Reuse, Phase 1 (10-06)
The WRRF funded four conceptual studies of innovative new process schemes as alternatives to conventional aerated activated sludge that can reduce energy consumption, improve rates of pollutant removal or transformation and reduce the footprint of water reuse facilities.
Four reports document the conceptual development of viable energy development approaches and represent the first phase of a two-part effort. Phase 2 will be a refinement and confirmation of a concept through modeling, pilot, or demonstration testing.
The reports are available at