The WateReuse Foundation is accepting abstracts for technical presentations at its 14th Annual Water Reuse & Desalination Research Conference, to be held in Tampa, Florida, USA, on 24-25 May 2010.
The WRF’s research conference is dedicated to showcasing the latest results from “cutting edge” research related to water reuse and desalination. To be considered for a technical presentation, an Abstract Submittal Form should be emailed to [email protected] by 14 December 2009. The topic areas are:
Aquifer Storage & Recovery and Groundwater Recharge
Concentrate Management and Disposal
Economics and Marketing
Energy-Water Nexus
Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Carbon Neutral Approaches
Health Effects
Innovative Treatment Technologies
Intake and Outfall Structures
Integrated Resources Planning
Membrane Research
Pathogen Occurrence, Inactivation, and Removal
Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products
Pilot/Demonstration Projects
Potable Reuse
Produced Water
Public Perception/Public Acceptance
Risk Assessment
Salinity Management
Storage, Conveyance, and Distribution
Water Quality