San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) in California confirmed on 26 January 2012 that a water purchase agreement for the Carlsbad seawater desalination plant would be available for comment ‘by this spring’.
Director of Water Resources Ken Weinberg said he currently expects board workshops to take place and be open to the public in May and June 2012. Exact dates will be set based on when the final draft water purchase agreement is released.
“We’re close to knowing exactly what capital improvements we will need to make to our water distribution and treatment system to take water from the project,” said Weinburg. “Financial and project due diligence activities are also moving forward.”
Member agencies will have 60 days to review the agreement and declare whether they intend to purchase directly from SDCWA at full cost a portion of the desalinated water from the Carlsbad project as a local supply for their agency.
In summer 2011, Poseidon selected the joint venture of Kiewit Infrastructure West Co and JF Shea Construction for the design and construction of the 50 MGD (189,000 m³/d) plant and conveyance pipeline, if the project moves forward. It has also contracted with IDE Technologies of Israel to operate the plant.
In February 2012, SDCWA expects to complete a study of improvements needed to its Pipeline 3 to enable it to deliver desalinated water north to the authority’s Twin Oaks Valley Water Treatment Plant for blending and distribution throughout the region.