The WateReuse Research Foundation (WRF) has developed a toolkit for briefing elected officials, policy makers, or the general public about the presence of trace concentrations of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) found in recycled water.
Findings from a recent WRF study indicate that, depending on the chemical and the exposure situation, it could take anywhere from a few years to many millions of years of exposure to non-potable recycled water to reach the same exposure to PPCPs that humans get in a single day through routine activities.
For each of four scenarios in which people could come into contact with recycled water used for irrigation – children on a playground, golfers, and landscape and agricultural workers – the Risk Assessment Study estimated health risks from exposures to PPCPs in recycled water and compared those exposures to conventional uses of the same chemicals.
The PPCP Communications Toolkit includes:
The toolkit will be available from July 26, 2011.