The WateReuse Research Foundation, which conducts and promotes applied research in the USA on the reclamation, recycling, reuse, and desalination of water, recently released details of two reports (not so far listed by D&WR) on research it had commissioned:
Development of Markers to Identify Nutrient Sources Impacting Florida’s Surface Water Bodies – (WRF-09-08)
This study provides an alternative methodology for distinguishing between sources of nutrients found in water bodies through the use of selected organic and inorganic microconstituents. Only conservative assessments of nutrient level contributions can be estimated for the relative contributions from wastewater sources because the markers developed to date do not account for nutrient attenuation occurring during transport.
Investigating the Feasibility of a Membrane Biofilm Reactor to Achieve Low Nitrogen Levels for Water Reclamation and Reuse – (WRF-06-013)
This research report presents nine months of results from the operation of two parallel membrane biofilm reactor (MBfR) pilot plants. The pilot plants were used to evaluate the MBfR’s ability to successfully denitrify a secondary effluent. This MBfR pilot study represents the first commercial application of this promising treatment process in an advanced wastewater treatment train.