Julie Minton has been appointed director of research programs by the WateReuse Research Foundation (WRRF), which conducts and promotes applied research on water reuse and desalination.
In her new role, which starts immediately, Minton will manage the foundation’s research program, including all project managers and respective projects.
“The need for credible research that supports communities in their efforts to develop projects to address water scarcity issues has never been greater,” said Wade Miller, executive director of the WRRF. “With Julie Minton taking a leadership role in managing our research program, I am confident that we will continue to build on a tremendously successful program. In her time here, she has demonstrated excellent leadership skills.”
Minton joined the foundation staff on 1 June 2009 as a project manager. She previously worked as a researcher at the National Institutes of Health and at a middle school teaching life science. She replaces Joshua M Dickinson, who was promoted to deputy executive director in June 2011.