Looking back on two years of change in desalination

At the start of Lisa Henthorne’s presidency, at the Maspolomas Congress in 2007, the board of the International Desalination Association initiated a five-year Strategic Plan. Already parts of the plan, such as better public relations, membership growth, including a Young Leaders program, and the new IDA Journal are all up and running. D&WR asks Henthorne if she achieved everything she had set out to do.

At the start of Lisa Henthorne’s presidency, at the Maspolomas Congress in 2007, the board of the International Desalination Association initiated a five-year Strategic Plan. Already parts of the plan, such as better public relations, membership growth, including a Young Leaders program, and the new IDA Journal are all up and running.
D&WR asks Henthorne if she achieved everything she had set out to do.