Five ultrafiltration water treatment plants scheduled to be started in Jakarta, Indonesia, by the end of 2011 have not yet been approved by the Indonesian government.
The Jakarta Post on 23 December 2011 quoted Maurits Napitupulu, director of Jakarta’s water company, PDAM Jaya, as saying that the Public Works Ministry’s water management directorate had not yet approved a permit for it to extract water from city rivers. “We submitted the proposal for the permit four months ago,” he said.
Public Works Ministry water management chief Mohammad Amron told the newspaper that the directorate was awaiting the report of a special committee studying the project.
Five plants are to be built near five main waterways in the capital: Pejompongan River, the West Flood Canal, the Cengkareng drain, Krukut River and Pesanggrahan River. The plants, when operational, are expected to produce an aggregate of 388,000 m³/d.