The International Desalination Association (IDA) has invited nominations for three awards recognizing achievements in water reuse and conservation that will be presented at the association’s first ever conference devoted to water reuse.
The wards to be presented at the IDA International Conference on Water Reuse and Recycling during 25-27 September 2016 in Nice, France will be for:
·outstanding professional in water reuse and conservation;
·exceptional utility Leader in water reuse and conservation; and
·industry technology and innovation leader in water reuse and conservation.
IDA members and non-members will be eligible to receive a water reuse and conservation award. Nominees should be “well-recognized experts with accomplishments in the industry and in the field” relevant to each award and based on at least five years of experience.
The IDA said a nomination for an award may be submitted by any professional who is activel in water reuse and conservation. And self-nominations as well as nominations from peers are permitted. Nominations have to be submitted to the IDA secretary general Patricia A Burke at [email protected] on or before the deadline of June 25, 2016.
Winners will be chosen by members of the IDA Water Reuse and Conservation Award Committee and announced on September 27 during the closing ceremony and awards presentation at the conference. The award winners will be invited to be part of the committee for the 2018 IDA Water Reuse and Conservation Awards.
More information about the awards, selection criteria and judging process is available at
The selection committee will be chaired by Leon Awerbuch, (USA) and Nikolay Voutchkov (USA). The committee members will be:
Professor Abdul Latif Ahmad, Malaysia
Borja Blanco, Spain
Gary Crisp, USA
Professor Jörg Drewes, Germany
Dr Valentina Lazarova, France
Mark Markus, USA
Shawn Meyer-Steele, USA
Wade Miller, USA
Neil Palmer, Australia
Harry Seah, Singapore
Professor George Tchobanoglous, USA
Greg Wetterau, USA