The International Desalination Association (IDA) on 1 February will open its call for extended abstract submissions to be considered for presentation at its International Conference on Water Reuse and Recycling: Turning Vision into Reality. The conference will be held on 25-27 September, 2016 in Nice, France.
This first IDA conference focused on water reuse will cover leading-edge strategies and technology for advanced municipal and industrial water reuse programmes. Abstracts will be evaluated on the basis of contribution and impact, originality, accuracy, quality of presentation, and appropriate comparison to related works. Submissions will be accepted on the basis of technical merit.
Each submission should state the paper’s purpose, new results and conclusions, if available. All abstracts will be initially reviewed for content and relevance to the theme of the conference.
Authors interested in submitting must use the required template and should reference the participant requirements on the IDA website.
Accepted abstracts will be allocated to a related session and authors will be required to submit a full manuscript for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings and a PowerPoint (subject to approval) for onsite presentation. To be considered for placement in the program, you must submit an Extended Abstract and agree to the Participant Requirements.
Enquiries regarding the conference technical programme should go to: Darlene Seta at [email protected] with”IDA 16CF-Nice Conference” as the subject line.
Conference plenary sessions will cover:
·global water reuse advances and success stories and
·keys to success of water reuse and vision for the future.
Categories and topics will include:
·advanced technologies for joint desalination and water reuse;
·cutting edge technologies for water reuse;
·direct and indirect potable reuse: global issues and advances;
·industrial water reuse and recycling;
·non-potable and agricultural water reuse: challenges and successes; and
·water quality monitoring: control and solutions.
Panels will discuss:
·regulation, funding and public acceptance of water reuse: lessons learned worldwide and
·role of water reuse in solving the water-energy and food nexus.