Interviews will be taking place on 1-2 May 2013 with the seven groups left in competition for the feasibility study for the Regional South Central Texas Power & Seawater Desalination Project proposed by the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority (GBRA).
Sixteen firms or groups submitted proposals for the independent water and power project in summer 2012. The seven remaining groups are:
Atkins – Atkins; Biwater AEWT; IH E&C International Corp; Navigant Consulting; CivilCorp; Concept Development and Planning
SAIC – SAIC/RW Beck; CDM Smith; Kimley-Horn
GHD – GHD; AMEC Power; NRG/Reliant; Bio-West; Vickery & Associates
Worley Parsons – Worley Parsons; Allan Plummer Associates; Separation Processes
MWH – MWH; Power Engineers; LBG-Guyton; Moeller & Associates; Wet Rock Groundwater Services; Stratus Energy Group; Sizemore Media; BOSC Investments
Arcadis/Malcolm Pirnie – Pirnie/Arcadis, Sargent & Lundy; SKM; Freese & Nichols; Harte Research Institute at Texas A&M Corpus; RosTek; GeoScience; Water Standard; Crouch Environmental; Furgo; Intera; Furman Group; Strategic Initiatives; Adisa Communications; Ximenes & Associates; Red Oak Consulting
URS – URS; NorrisLeal Engineering; Abengoa; Water Globe Consulting (Nikolay Voutchkov); Daniel B Stephens; CCT Energy Partners; Kennedy Resources; Susan K Roth
“Quite a few firms, including many major players are betting on our IWPP,” James Lee Murphy, GBRA’s executive manager of water resources and utility operations, commented to D&WR. “We hope to award in late May, to allow time for follow-up interviews, if necessary.”