GE has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on wastewater reuse with Miahona, a subsidiary of the Arabian Company for Water & Power Development Ltd.
The MOU provides a framework for promoting the use of advanced membrane technology, such as membrane bioreactors, in water reuse and the pursuit of wastewater treatment, wastewater reuse and zero-liquid-discharge projects in Saudi Arabia.
Miahona and GE also will cooperate on projects related to well injection, using GE’s oil-recovery solutions. A key expectation is for GE to deliver advanced technology and treatment solutions to meet the country’s environmentally conscious municipal and industrial wastewater discharge regulations.
The MOU also builds on GE’s water technology presence in Saudi Arabia and follows the opening last year of the 7,500 m² GE Water & Process Technology Center in Dammam, which represents a US$ 10 million investment.
“Saudi Arabia has one of the fastest growing economies in the Middle East, and the wastewater and water reuse issues need to be addressed now in order to sustain this rapid growth over the next five years,” said Professor Walid A Abderrahman, managing director of Miahona. “We are pleased to be working with GE, a global energy leader in water technologies in the areas of chemicals, equipment and advanced membranes, to deliver innovative and advanced water solutions for the Kingdom, as part of our commitment to continue investing in projects focused on increasing the supply of usable water for the country.”