South Australia’s Adelaide desalination plant remains on track to produce first water in April 2011, according to the Water For Good Annual Statement 2010 released by water minister Paul Caica on 23 November 2010.
Practical completion for the 50 million m³/year plant remains the end of August 2011, and project handover for operation for the full 100 million m³/year capacity remains at end December 2012.
The AdelaideAqua consortium, led by Acciona Agua of Spain, is contracted to design, build, operate and maintain the plant for 20 years.
∗ The annual statement also reports that more than 31% of the wastewater from South Australian treatment plants is being reused for irrigation, toilet flushing and the water of parks and gardens. This compares with the national capital city average of 13%.
A key South Australian target is to recycle 45% of wastewater from urban areas across the state by 2013. This is on track, says the statement.