Evoqua and AccelerateH2O partner to demo Nexed technology

Evoqua Water Technologies is to install a large scale demonstration of Nexed, its electrochemical desalination technology for brackish water, at Kay Bailey Hutchison Desalination Plant, El Paso, Texas, US.

The 50-gallon-a-minute installation will aim to demonstrate higher recovery and lower energy consumption compared to incumbent reverse osmosis (RO) technology.

The demonstration in partnership with Texas water technology backers AccelerateH2O is expected to be operational in June 2017, when stakeholders will be invited to an open house to observe the system and to learn about the operational performance.

“This demonstration is an important benchmark for Nexed, and for brackish water desalination technology as a whole. The partnership between Evoqua, AccelerateH2O, and the Center for Inland Desalination Systems at University of Texas – El Paso, allows some of the leading minds in brackish water desalination to work together for the betterment of all Texas and beyond,” said Evoqua products and technologies division president, James Kohosek.

Nexed modules are already part of a desalination demonstration in Tuas, Singapore.