The WateReuse Research Foundation (WRF) has published a report identifying information and research required to promote direct potable reuse (DPR) – the introduction of purified water into a water-supply distribution system or a raw-water supply immediately upstream of a water treatment plant.
Produced with WateReuse California, Direct Potable Reuse: A Path Forward focuses on implementing DPR in California. However, WRF says that the topics discussed (including issues regarding public acceptance, engineering, economics, and regulations) may be applicable to the broader water reuse community.
The 102-page report is divided into six chapters, which include:
Authors include:
George Tchobanoglous, PhD, PE, University of California, Davis
Harold Leverenz, PhD, PE, University of California, Davis
Margaret Nellor, PE, Nellor Environmental Associates
James Crook, PhD, PE, Environmental Engineering Consultant