The WateReuse Research Foundation announced three new requests for proposals on 28 October 2010, two related to desalination and one to grey water reuse.
Proposals are due in December. Click heading for details.
Improvements to Minimize Impingement and Entrainment of Existing Intakes
The purpose of this research project is to develop a guidance document that identifies improvements to existing open ocean intake technologies in terms of reduction of impingement and/or entrainment (I&E) of marine life. The recommendations will identify the potential of each technology to reduce I&E through design improvement criteria, costs associated with implementation measures, and comparative benefits to newly developed intake technologies. Deadline: 10 December 2010.
Regulatory Workshop on Critical Issues of Desalination Permitting
The desalination industry currently has a limited understanding of the key problems and issues regulators have with the permitting of desalination projects. Regulators may also have an imperfect understanding of the procedures of process and site selection, design and construction of desalination projects. The goal of this project is to provide a workshop to facilitate and foster understanding between the regulators and industry regarding desalination permitting. Deadline: 13 December 2010.
Treatment, Public Health and Regulatory Issues Associated with Graywater Reuse
WateReuse -10-02
The objective of this project is to gather useful data on the water quality, currently available technologies and standards for integrating graywater systems into various types of localized sites. A spreadsheet based end product will be created bringing together all accessible data on water quality for a range of graywater treatment levels. Pertinent data related to water quality for different treatment technologies and product reliability along with various regional, state, and national standards, codes or US regulations applicable to graywater treatment and reuse will be incorporated into the spreadsheet. Deadline: 7 December 2010.