A national seminar on Unconventional Water-Use Technology is to be held in Urumqi in Xinjiang province, China, from 5-9 August 2009 to discuss sea- and brackish-water desalination and use of flood water.
The conference is being organised by the Ministry of Water Resources Service, the Water Resources Department of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and the Chinese Desalination Society.
The meeting will focus on the exchange of knowledge and technology, product certification and promotion, and other activities experienced in China in recent years.
China still has more than 200 million rural residents exposed to unsafe or brackish water supplies. In October 2008, the Minister of Water Resources, Chen Lei, pointed out, “Although the safety of drinking water in rural areas and agricultural water conservation work have made remarkable achievements, there is still a certain gap to the central requirements and expectations of the masses.”
Representatives of central and local government will be among the wide selection of delegates from across the water and financial sectors invited to the seminar.