EESTech Inc has awarded the exclusive Australian rights for its JetWater thermal desalination system to Australian water treatment company Impulse Hydro.
Impulse Hydro recently secured its first contract using the JetWater System in the Queensland coal seam gas (CSG) industry. This was on the basis of a one-off contract arrangement that allows for access as a project demonstration site that will be remotely monitored by EESTech and to provide a platform for the introduction and testing of future technology enhancements.
The need to clean contaminated water, which is released as part of the CSG extraction process, has come about because of a change in policy by the Queensland State Government. The policy states that gas producers are not allowed to continue to store contaminated water in holding ponds or be discharged into waterways and that existing evaporation ponds will have to be remediated within three years.
Impulse will use a combination of reverse osmosis and the thermal desalination of the JetWater System to clean contaminated water, thereby reducing over 90% of evaporation ponds.
Impulse Hydro CEO, Earle Roberts said, “Because of the efficiency of the combined systems the eventual market for the units in the CSG industry could exceed Aus$ 50 million (US$ 41 million) over the next three years.”
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